March Newsletter: Digitize the financial processes and skip branch visits

March Newsletter: Digitize the financial processes and skip branch visits

BURNABY, BC, CANADA,  March 19, 2021


Welcome back!

Mobilearth welcomes 2021 as a window of opportunities with financial technology. Last year, we introduced Contactless Transactions, Digital Queue and Helpdesk--designed to promote physical distancing and to help everyone adapt to the new normal. This year, we're making it our goal to continue innovating features that will digitize the financial processes so that people can skip the branch and be able to do their banking in the comfort of their home.

We already have projects lined up and they will be mentioned in our newsletters as they get released. Make sure you save Mobilearth as a contact so these important announcements will get to your inbox!

Let's start off with one of our most popular features below.

Hot Topic: Self-Registration and Standard Applications

self registration and apps

Did you know we have Self-registration and Standard Applications available? These features give your customers the ability to sign up for online banking as well as apply for bank products without the need to visit a branch. With the current new normal we are in, it’s a great way to keep everyone safe.

Do you know about our in-house marketing tools?

app testing

Marketing Banners

Make banking more interesting by uploading your own custom-designed banners onto the Web Portal and MobiBanking app. Make it clickable and direct users to another page. Oh, the abundant possibilities that these banners can do!

Login PopUps

Configure the login popup message to give members important information and notices. The login popup can also be used to market new products and services that are available. It's eye-catching and effective--the best way to catch someone's attention.

Security Upgrade

Security Upgrade

An important security upgrade has been implemented to notify customers via email when they have logged in with a new device login. Mobilearth is committed to continued efforts on security enhancements. We are always looking out for additional security features that we can implement in our product suite.

Tip of the Month: Ensuring Apps are installed Properly

mobile app installations

Before installing our apps—whether in QA or in Production—it is important that you uninstall any previous versions of the app first. By doing so, this will ensure that all the new updates and features will be reflected in the new app. Failure to do so may result in unexplained issues and problems with your testing.

To learn more about Mobile Banking, MobiBranch and Contactless Branch, stay up-to- date on industry trends by subscribing to our blog.